Exemplary Studio Artists & Educators.

The Animation Collaborative (AnimC) is an online school taught by exemplary industry professionals who are also incredibly talented teachers.
AnimC offers a la carte education, small class sizes with ample individual feedback and critique time, and in-depth course content. All focused on helping you make the most progress in your work.
We provide a welcoming environment to students of all skill levels and backgrounds. AnimC students are encouraged to take part in attending special Guest Lectures each term, and to collaborate and network in and outside of workshops. Come and see for yourself what all the buzz is about!
Our instructors are some of the best artists working in the field. They are all highly skilled, experienced, professional studio artists, who currently work in the animation industry.
AnimC instructors have extensive backgrounds in training and education, both in studio and school settings. Not only are they some of the best artists in the world, they are also some of the best teachers!
All of the assignments and lecture content in our workshops are created to provide students with the same on-the-job challenges that professional artists face, on a daily basis.
Our instructors share their experience and insights with you, to help you grow your skillset, make the most progress in your work, and prepare you for the working world.
Our critique based workshops are small and in-person, and are strictly limited to 8-10 students.
These small class sizes allow our instructors to spend the most amount of time providing feedback on individual student work and progress, while still providing in-depth workshop content.
We find that small workshops encourage stronger connections, and greater collaborations in the animation community.
Our lecture based workshops focus on providing an extensive amount of in-depth content, and therefore do not offer individual critique. These workshops allow for larger groups to enroll.
We regularly offer “AMA'” (Ask Me Anything) guest panels, featuring 3-4 artists at each event. These guest panels are available to all currently enrolled students.
Our AMA’s feature a variety of professional artists. They bring presentations, unique insights and backgrounds, and answer questions from our students.
Some guest panels are “studio” themed, offering insights from professionals working at Disney, Tippet, Blizzard, and other studios.
Other panels are “artist” themed, offering a selection of different types of professional artists who work in the Animation Industry; Art Directors, Story Artists, Character Designers, Animators, and more.
At AnimC assignments are not graded. Students receive feedback on their work (critiques) and are expected to turn over the notes, just like professional artists do in a studio environment.
Our instructors will open up your digital files, help you troubleshoot and refine your splines, do drawovers and sketches, or act out your shot to provide clear and visual feedback on your work.
File iterations are saved, and draw-overs are made available for you to take home right after your workshop meets.
Compare the quality of our instructors, course content, class sizes (and time given to individual feedback), course duration and cost to other schools out there.
Our prices are competitive and we think you’ll see the clear benefit to enrolling in a small, professionally instructed workshop, to help you make the most progress in your work.
We provide a la carte education. You choose the courses that are right for you, right now. Students can enroll in one or more workshops.
We offer discounts for taking multiple workshops during a given term, and for groups.
Students at AnimC can be (and often are) enrolled in other schools and/or programs, while simultaneously taking our workshops.
The Animation Collaborative is home to up to 100 students each term. Some are working in the field already and expanding their skillset, while others are improving their demo reel, to land their first job. Often our younger students are those who want to explore a subject in one of our workshops, before deciding if they want to pursue a 2-4 year degree program in that area.
While it’s a competitive industry, it’s also a small world. We encourage students to take an interest in each other’s work and growth, and to build lasting friendships that turn into great working relationships.
Suggest new workshops and instructors. We encourage current and prospective students to suggest new workshop topics or instructors at any time. At AnimC, you have the opportunity to shape your education.
Is there an artist you have a “talent crush” on? Someone you’d love to learn from, or a specific workshop you’d like us to offer? Let us know and we will do our best to make the workshop a reality.
We strive to maintain a comfortable, professional and inspiring environment, in which students can meet, share, ask, learn, and make dramatic growth in their work.
AnimC is a welcoming space for all students and instructors. We care very much about the experience at AnimC and respond quickly to all student and instructor feedback.
We welcome student feedback about the workshops, at any time. If there’s an issue you’re experiencing or something isn’t working for you, we’ll work with you and the instructors to find the best resolution.